I implemented a 4x8 bit RAM from scratch using D latches with Read and Write Decoding lines.
I built an 8-bit CPU Arithmetic Logic Unit using only logic gates, capable of performing operations like addition, subtraction, and shifting.
I designed a Successive Approximation ADC, including the control circuitry and the DAC required for the ADC.
I integrated various oscillators to generate different waveforms, combining them into a function generator.
It is my first project in PCB design. I took the schematic of a voltage regulator circuit and made a PCB in Proteus.
A moisture sense and control system without any microcontroller. You can replace the LED with a motor or any external system. J2 is for interfacing the sensor module.
Use of Wilson source for constant current biasing and differential pair along with emitter follower at output stage for low output impedance.
Use of Wilson source for constant current biasing and differential pair along with emitter follower at output stage for low output impedance realized.