Software Projects

Boolean Logic Simplification Project Image

Boolean Logic Simplification using Quine-McCluskey in C++-OOP

Developed a tool to simplify boolean logic expressions using the Quine-McCluskey algorithm in C++ with Object-Oriented Programming.

Root Locus and Bode Plotter Project Image

Root locus and Frequency Response Bode plotter

Created a plotting tool for control systems that generates Root Locus and Bode Plots using Python libraries.

ML Algorithms Project Image

Implementation of ML Algorithms (Adaline and Perceptron)

Implemented Adaline and Perceptron algorithms in C++ without external libraries, focusing on core ML principles.

Wine Quality Prediction Project Image

Wine Quality Prediction Using ML Models

Utilized various machine learning models to predict wine quality based on a dataset of wine characteristics.

Covid Data Analysis Project Image

Covid Data Analysis and Visualization

Conducted in-depth analysis and visualization of Covid-19 data to reveal trends and insights.

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